Choir singing tradition in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is the most prominent part of the common culture of the three countries. Founded on the heritage of the respective ethnic cultures, the choral music in the three Baltic countries has a long standing tradition. The most prominent manifestation of the phenomena is Feasts of Songs organized in all three countries and recognized by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
An integral and certainly unique part of the phenomena is the movement of boys' choirs. It is urgent hot only to develop the unique culture of boys' choirs in the three Baltic countries complementing it with the best Western European choral traditions, but also integrate it as a part of the common European as well as world cultural heritage.
The Lithuanian choral union has launched the project „the Ambers of the Baltic” precisely in order to foster this unique Baltic tradition by giving the opportunity for choir masters to develop their professional qualification, strengthening regional ties of cultural communication, presenting new creations for choirs. „The Ambers of the Baltic” is an extended summer academy of choral singing for the boys and choir conductors from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, destined to foster the unique phenomena of boy's choirs of the three Baltic countries.
Seminars of the academy were led by lectors: Vytautas Miskinis Lithuanian music and theatre academy professor, artistic director of Vilnius boys' and men's choir „Ažuoliukas”, president of the Lithuanian choral union (Lithuania); Romans Vanags - Riga Jazeps Medins Music School boys' choir (Latvia), Hirvo Surva president of the Estonian choral union, Estonian national opera choir artistic director (Estonia), Jean-Pierre Avermaet - Secretary general of the European Federation for Choirs of the Union (Belgium); Mindaugas Kubilius Vilnius university Philosophy faculty assistant professor, Chairman of the board of the association „Archangelus” (Lithuania); Saulius Liausa vice-president of the Lithuanian choral union, an executive-official of the Lithuanian culture center (Lithuania).
The project “the Ambers of the Baltic” also includes a concert tour of the Joint boy's choir of the Baltic states in the capitals of the Baltic States:
Vilnius (September 14)
Riga (October 27)
Parnu (October 29)
Tallinn (October 30)
About the project in Estonian:
29. oktoobril kell 18.00 Pärnu Kontserdimajas
30. oktoobril kell 17.00 Tallinna Kaarli kirikus
Selle aasta augustis kogunes 90 poissi ja noormeest Eestist, Lätist ja Leedust Vilniuse lähedale Dubingiai spordikeskusesse, kus anti start Euroopa Liidu programmi Kultuur 2000 raames toetust pälvinud suurprojektile – Baltimaade poistekoorile (The Ambers of the Baltic). Eestipoolseks partneriks selles projektis on Rahvusooper Estonia.
Eestit esindavad Rahvusooper Estonia poistekoori, EMLS üle-eestilise poistekoori Kalev ja Virumaa poistekoori noormehed. Läti poisid laulavad Jazeps Medinši Muusikakooli poistekooris ja leedulased nende tuntuimas poistekooris Ažuoliukas. Kõrvuti balti heliloojate (Eestist Tobias, Sisask ja Pärt) loominguga, mida dirigeerivad Hirvo Surva, Romāns Vanags ja Vytautas Miškinis, õpiti suvises laagris selgeks niivõrd keeruline ja põnev suurteos, nagu seda on Andrew Lloyd Webberi Reekviem.
Praeguseks on juba seljataga esimene kontsert Vilniuse Kongresside palees, mis oli hoolimata soolasest hinnast pilgeni rahvast täis.
27. oktoobril esinetakse Riia Toomkirikus, 29. oktoobril Pärnu Kontserdimajas ja 30. oktoobril Tallinna Kaarli kirikus.
Kõigil neil kontsertidel on kaastegevad Pärnu Linnaorkester Jüri Alperteni juhatusel ning solistid Angelika Mikk ja Mati Turi.
30. oktoobri ennelõunal austab vapraid laulupoisse Vabariigi President hr Arnold Rüütel, kes korraldab Kadrioru lossis 90 osalejale vastuvõtu.
Baltimaade poistekoor tänab:
Kultuur 2000
Rahvusooper Estonia
Tallinna Piimatööstus
AS Kalev
Post date: 10.10.2005. 00:00