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INFORMĀCIJA, the USA - JMMS Boys Choir Returns to Seattle

Seattle was again visited by the angels of music from Latvia, July 23,2003. If we were suitably impressed by their first visit a couple of years ago, we were awed by them this time. Al though a few of the older voices

had been here the previous time, all of the younger members were a new generation.

The consistent level of the precision of their musicality points directly to the superb training they receive at the Medins Music School. As with all outstanding boy choirs, it is just so indescribably beautiful to hear the crystal clarity of the young soprano voices without a hint of the adult vibrato. Their tonal and pitch control is admirable and the musical expression achieved in the works presented is to be applauded.

The level of difficulty of their repertoire was truly highlighted by this visit. Anton Bruckner’s “Locus Iste”, a very difficult classical work was done to absolute perfection. The phrasing, expression, and sheer power of control forced tears into my eyes. The awesome Benjamin Britten “A Hymn to the Virgin” (the double choir number) left me virtually speechless. To achieve the incredible balance required in a double choir work is a task that most choirs just will not at tempt. Yet these young musical masters were so perfectly balanced, so exquisitely sequenced, that the music truly did envelope the listener in a surrounding waves of intertwining melody and harmony. The Lithuanian composer Vytautas Miškinis’ “Cantate Domino” demanded more distinct verbal syllables matched to an unrelenting rhythmic pattern than I thought was possible for any singer to perform. Yet match it they did with clarity and style. Bravo.

When they performed the beautiful Latvian folk-based music, one could feel a peace descend over the audience in a wave of appreciation for beloved melodies per formed so effortlessly. And then they turned to Nigerian music, which had such gusto, and enthusiasm that the audience tried to demand a repeat of it — but to no avail. Romans Vanags asserted that the piece was not repeatable.

I am sure all of Seattle will be waiting for their return in the future. My fervent hope for a future concert would be that this be brought out to the general musical public of Great er Seattle so that all the classical music lovers can experience this great treasure of these angels of music from Latvia.

INFORMĀCIJA is a Latvian newspaper, published five times a year (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun,Sep/Oct, and Nov/Dec), by the Latvian Association of the State of Washington (LBVŠ), a 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation - UBI 601 400 695. Publication address: 11710 3rd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125. Mailing address: PO Box 75081, Seattle, WA 98125-0081. Editor: Roland A. Strolis - tel. 425-827-9967

Publicēts: 01.09.2003. 00:00

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(cc) 2004-2025 Jāzepa Mediņa Rīgas 1. mūzikas skolas zēnu koris