Choir Logos

Welcome to the Logo File section of our website! Here, you can find our iconic logo that features a small singing bird and a treble clef, both symbols that perfectly embody the essence of our choir.

Our logo represents our choir's commitment to excellence and passion for music. The small singing bird represents the beauty and purity of our voices, while the treble clef symbolizes our dedication to musical harmony and melody.

We understand that our logo is an important part of our identity and we're excited to share it with you. Whether you're a fan of our choir, a member of the media, or a partner organization, you can access our logo file here, embedded as an SVG vector in the page code. You can easily copy the vector by using Ctrl+U to view the source.

Thank you for your interest in our choir and our logo.

Poster single-color logos
The gradient logo for online usage
Logo before 2012
Other logo files

PNG files contain vectors that can be recovered with Adobe Fireworks.

zk.png (Online, dark gray background)
zk_logo_circle_grad_title_en.png (English, small banner)
zk_logo_circle_grad_title_lv.png (Latviešu, mazais baneris)
zk_mono.png (Single-color, before 2017)
zk_mono_transparent.png (Single-color, transparent, before 2017)
zk_xxl_transparent.png (Extra large, online, w. gradients)

Font Face: Humanist

Recomended Photos

Set 12.10.2014.
Set 08.10.2016.
(cc) 2004-2025 Jazeps Medins 1st Music School of Riga Boys’ Choir